
Publié le par Phunkdified

Thursday, January 15th

Aboriginal belives/ culture dates back to 18 000 years. 
Dreamtime is the moment when the earth was created by their ancestors Aborigines believe that the rainbow serpent "dug the riverbeds and the giant Kangaroo created the scenery (mountains, plains, holes). Aborigines come form Asia, they were divided into different trives. They were nomads and they respected the land. They did not culvate it on the contrary they gathered food. When white settlers arrived, they were forced to assimilate and they kidnapped children to brain wash them and use them as slaves. Those children are colled "The stolen generation". 

- making fun 
- miserable condition 
- running water and they are suffer from endemic alcoholism

Where does the scene take place ? 

The scene takes place in Western Australia 

Who is Riggs ? 

Riggs is the protector of Aborigines 

When dors the scene take place ? 

In 1931 

What did Riggs say to take the children ? 
He said that the children had to go to school ? 

In which school are the children going ? 

When was this text written ? 

What happenend when the family finished eating ? 

Dogs began barking

Thursday, March 13th 

- to beassimilated : être assimilé 
- to being taught to think white 

Constable Riggs is coming to take the three girls to be assimilated or to being how taught to think white ? 

What does Riggs say the family to cal them won ? 

He said don't worry about you things will come and pick them up later  

What broke out ? 

A high witched wail broke out. The mother must be desperate

The mother feel powerless 

Why is the father powerless ? 

If he had interfered he would have been arrested 
The family live in Western Austealia, they must be living in a reservation

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